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- (* Developers notes and Turbo Pascal structures for RemoteAccess 2.50 GAMMA
- Copyright (c) 1996 Andrew Milner & Wantree Development
- All Rights Reserved
- If you develop software which accesses any of the following files,
- you should read the following notes. They refer to important
- structure changes in this release.
- The area number to which records in the above files refer is no
- longer dependent upon the position of the record in the file.
- This is to allow utilities to move, copy, insert and delete
- areas and groups at will, without the need to renumber every
- reference to every moved area or group.
- The following applies to the record structure of all the above
- files as published in this document.
- If you look at each record definition, you will notice that the
- MESSAGErecord and FILESrecord structures each have 4 unused
- bytes at the beginning, and that the GROUPrecord structure has 2
- unused bytes at the beginning.
- In RA 2.50, the first two bytes of each of these records are
- redefined as a single word value (2 byte unsigned integer). This
- word holds the area number of that record - the name of the new
- field is 'AreaNum'. This has the following implications:
- 1. To get the Hudson message-base board number for a record from
- MESSAGES.RA, do NOT rely on its position. The AreaNum field
- contains the actual board number.
- 2. To access the correct FDB files from a file area record in
- FILES.RA, use the value contained in the AreaNum field, NOT the
- number of the position of the record.
- 3. Utilities are now free to move any record to any location in
- these files without having to worry about renumbering FDB files
- or menu entries.
- 4. When ADDING a new record, utilities MUST assign a valid area
- number to the record in the AreaNum field. Valid numbers are in
- the range 1 to 65535, and MUST be unique. See the note about
- index files below for information on how to determine the next
- available unique number.
- The INDEX files
- ---------------
- In order to provide the fastest possible access to the above four
- files, each is now indexed. The index files have the same path
- and base name with an extension of 'RDX' - for example, the index
- file for C:\RA\FILES.RA would be C:\RA\FILES.RDX.
- The index files are automatically generated by RACONFIG after
- editing areas. They must also be generated by any utility which:
- 1. Adds, deletes or moves a record within its file, or
- 2. Changes the AreaNum field of any record.
- SYSOP! RA and its utilities all check to make sure that the index
- files are up to date.
- The format of the index files is very simple. It is a flat file
- of word (2 byte unsigned integer) records which contains one
- record for each AreaNum value in the corresponding file. The
- physical position of each index record is equal to the AreaNum
- value minus 1. The value of the index record is equal to the
- physical position of the record for that area number in the main
- file PLUS 1. A value of zero indicates that the area number is
- not currently used.
- For example:
- File offest FILES.RA AreaNum FILES.RDX record value
- 0 1 1
- 1 2 2
- 2 10 0
- 3 11 0
- 4 12 0
- 5 13 0
- 6 - 0
- 7 - 0
- 8 - 0
- 9 - 3
- 10 - 4
- 11 - 5
- 12 - 6
- In the above example table, to look up the correct record in
- FILES.RA for a particular area number, the code might look
- something like this in Pascal:
- Seek(RDX, AreaNum-1);
- Read(RDX, Index);
- Seek(FILESRA, Index-1);
- Determining the next free unique area number is a simple matter
- of scanning the index file until a value of zero is encountered.
- *)
- type
- AskType = (Yes, No, Ask, Only);
- VideoType = (Auto, Short, Long);
- MsgType = (LocalMail, NetMail, EchoMail, Internet, Newsgroup);
- MsgKindsType = (Both, Private, Public, ROnly, NoReply);
- OrphanType = (Ignore, Create, Kill);
- FlagType = array[1..4] of Byte;
- ResetType = (Never, Week, Month, Year);
- Time = String[5];
- Date = String[8];
- LongDate = String[9];
- ByteArray32 = Array[1..32] of Byte;
- NetAddress = record
- Zone,
- Net,
- Node,
- Point : Word;
- end;
- LIMITSrecord = record
- Security,
- Ltime,
- L300,
- L1200,
- L2400,
- L4800,
- L7200,
- L9600,
- L12000,
- L14400,
- L16800,
- L19200,
- L38400,
- Llocal,
- RatioNum,
- RatioK : Word;
- PerMinCost : Real;
- L21600,
- L24000,
- L26400,
- L28800,
- L57600,
- L64000 : Word;
- FlexiTime : Real;
- LsessionTime : Word;
- ResetAmt : Word;
- ResetPeriod : ResetType;
- ResetOffset : Word;
- L31200,
- L33600 : Word;
- FreeSpace : Array[1..13] of Byte;
- end;
- LANGUAGErecord = record
- Name : String[20];
- Attribute : Byte;
- DefName,
- MenuPath,
- TextPath,
- QuesPath : String[60];
- Security : Word;
- Flags,
- NotFlagsMask : FlagType;
- FreeSpace : Array[1..190] of Byte;
- end;
- MSGINFOrecord = record
- LowMsg,
- HighMsg,
- TotalMsgs : Word;
- TotalOnBoard : array[1..200] of Word;
- end;
- HMBMSGIDXrecord = record
- MsgNum : Integer;
- Board : Byte;
- end;
- MSGTOIDXrecord = String[35];
- HMBMSGHDRrecord= record
- MsgNum : Integer;
- PrevReply,
- NextReply,
- TimesRead : Word;
- StartBlock : Word;
- NumBlocks,
- DestNet,
- DestNode,
- OrigNet,
- OrigNode : Word;
- DestZone,
- OrigZone : Byte;
- Cost : Word;
- MsgAttr,
- NetAttr,
- Board : Byte;
- PostTime : Time;
- PostDate : Date;
- WhoTo,
- WhoFrom : MSGTOIDXrecord;
- Subject : String[72];
- end;
- MSGTXTrecord = String[255];
- USERONrecord = record
- Name,
- Handle : MSGTOIDXrecord;
- Line : Byte;
- Baud : Word;
- City : String[25];
- Status,
- Attribute : Byte;
- StatDesc : String[10];
- FreeSpace : Array[1..98] of Byte;
- NoCalls : Word;
- end;
- { Status byte - 0 : Browsing (in a menu)
- 1 : Uploading/downloading
- 2 : Reading/posting messages
- 3 : In a door/external utility
- 4 : Chatting with sysop
- 5 : Answering questionnaire
- 6 : RTC
- 7 : New user logon
- 255 : User-defined - display StatDesc
- Attribute - Bit 0 : Hidden
- 1 : Wants chat
- 2 : Reserved for RANETMGR
- 3 : Do not disturb flag
- 6 : Ready (0=busy) }
- LASTCALLrecord = record
- Line : Byte;
- Name,
- Handle : MSGTOIDXrecord;
- City : String[25];
- Baud : Word;
- Times : LongInt;
- LogOn : String[5];
- LogOff : String[5];
- Attribute : Byte;
- end;
- { Attribute - Bit 0 : Hidden }
- FILESHDRrecord = record
- Name : String[12];
- Size,
- CRC32 : LongInt;
- Uploader : String[35];
- UploadDate,
- FileDate,
- LastDL : LongInt;
- TimesDL : Word;
- Attrib : Byte;
- Password : String[15];
- KeyWord : Array[1..5] of String[15];
- Cost : Word;
- LongDescPtr : LongInt;
- FreeSpace : Array[1..20] of Byte;
- end;
- {Attrib - Bit 0 : Deleted
- 1 : Unlisted
- 2 : Free (don't adjust ratio) - Does NOT affect "Cost"
- 3 : Not available (don't allow downloads)
- 4 : Locked (no kill)
- 5 : Missing/offline
- 6 : No time restrictions - always allow DL
- }
- FILESIDXrecord = record
- Name : String[12];
- UploadDate : LongInt;
- KeyWordCRC : Array[1..5] of LongInt;
- LongDescPtr : LongInt;
- end;
- LASTREADrecord = array[1..200] of Word;
- USERSIDXrecord = record
- NameCRC32,
- HandleCRC32 : LongInt;
- end;
- COMBINEDrecord = array[1..200] of Word;
- USERSrecord = record
- Name : MSGTOIDXrecord;
- Location : String[25];
- Organisation,
- Address1,
- Address2,
- Address3 : String[50];
- Handle : String[35];
- Comment : String[80];
- PasswordCRC : LongInt;
- DataPhone,
- VoicePhone : String[15];
- LastTime : Time;
- LastDate : Date;
- Attribute,
- { Bit 0 : Deleted
- 1 : Clear screen
- 2 : More prompt
- 3 : ANSI
- 4 : No-kill
- 5 : Xfer priority
- 6 : Full screen msg editor
- 7 : Quiet mode }
- Attribute2 : Byte;
- { Bit 0 : Hot-keys
- 1 : AVT/0
- 2 : Full screen message viewer
- 3 : Hidden from userlist
- 4 : Page priority
- 5 : No echomail in mailbox scan
- 6 : Guest account
- 7 : Post bill enabled }
- Flags : FlagType;
- Credit,
- Pending : LongInt;
- MsgsPosted,
- Security : Word;
- LastRead,
- NoCalls,
- Uploads,
- Downloads,
- UploadsK,
- DownloadsK,
- TodayK : LongInt;
- Elapsed : Integer;
- ScreenLength : Word;
- LastPwdChange : Byte;
- Group : Word;
- CombinedInfo : COMBINEDrecord;
- FirstDate,
- BirthDate,
- SubDate : Date;
- ScreenWidth,
- Language,
- DateFormat : Byte;
- ForwardTo : String[35];
- MsgArea,
- FileArea : Word;
- DefaultProtocol: Char;
- FileGroup : Word;
- LastDOBCheck : Byte;
- Sex : Byte;
- XIrecord : LongInt;
- MsgGroup : Word;
- Attribute3 : Byte;
- { Bit 0 : Mailbox check: scan selected areas only }
- Password : String[15];
- FreeSpace : Array[1..31] of Byte;
- end;
- USERSXIrecord = record
- FreeSpace : Array[1..200] of Byte;
- end;
- SYSINFOrecord = record
- TotalCalls : LongInt;
- LastCaller,
- LastHandle : MSGTOIDXrecord;
- ExtraSpace : array[1..92] of Byte;
- end;
- TIMELOGrecord = record
- StartDate : Date;
- BusyPerHour : array[0..23] of Word;
- BusyPerDay : array[0..6] of Word;
- end;
- MNUrecord = record
- Typ : Byte;
- Security,
- MaxSec : Word;
- NotFlagsMask,
- Flags : FlagType;
- TimeLeft,
- TimeUsed : Word;
- Age,
- TermAttrib : Byte;
- {Bit 0 : ANSI
- 1 : AVT
- 2 : RIP}
- MinSpeed,
- MaxSpeed,
- Credit,
- OptionCost,
- PerMinCost : LongInt;
- Node,
- Group : ByteArray32;
- StartTime,
- StopTime : Array[1..7] of Word;
- Display : String[135];
- HotKey : String[8];
- MiscData : String[135];
- Foreground,
- Background : Byte;
- FreeSpace : Array[1..50] of Byte;
- end;
- EVENTrecord = record
- Status : Byte; { 0=Deleted 1=Enabled 2=Disabled }
- StartTime : Time;
- ErrorLevel : Byte;
- Days : Byte;
- Forced : Boolean;
- LastTimeRun : Date;
- end;
- EVENTrecordArray = array[1..20] of EVENTrecord;
- MESSAGErecord = record
- AreaNum,
- Unused : Word;
- Name : String[40];
- Typ : MsgType;
- MsgKinds : MsgKindsType;
- Attribute : Byte;
- { Bit 0 : Enable EchoInfo
- 1 : Combined access
- 2 : File attaches
- 3 : Allow aliases
- 4 : Use SoftCRs as characters
- 5 : Force handle
- 6 : Allow deletes
- 7 : Is a JAM area }
- DaysKill, { Kill older than 'x' days }
- RecvKill : Byte; { Kill recv msgs, recv for more than 'x' days }
- CountKill : Word;
- ReadSecurity : Word;
- ReadFlags,
- ReadNotFlags : FlagType;
- WriteSecurity : Word;
- WriteFlags,
- WriteNotFlags : FlagType;
- SysopSecurity : Word;
- SysopFlags,
- SysopNotFlags : FlagType;
- OriginLine : String[60];
- AkaAddress : Byte;
- Age : Byte;
- JAMbase : String[60];
- Group : Word;
- AltGroup : Array[1..3] of Word;
- Attribute2 : Byte;
- { Bit 0 : Include in all groups }
- NetmailArea : Word;
- FreeSpace2 : Array[1..7] of Byte;
- end;
- GROUPrecord = record
- AreaNum : Word;
- Name : String[40];
- Security : Word;
- Flags,
- NotFlagsMask : FlagType;
- FreeSpace : Array[1..100] of Byte;
- end;
- FILESrecord = record
- AreaNum,
- Unused : Word;
- Name : String[40];
- Attrib : Byte;
- { Bit 0 : Include in new files scan
- 1 : Include in upload dupe scan
- 2 : Permit long descriptions
- 3 : Area is on CD-ROM
- 4 : All files are FREE
- 5 : Allow DLs not in FDB
- 6 : Allow users to password uploads
- 7 : Scan uploads }
- FilePath : String[40];
- KillDaysDL,
- KillDaysFD : Word;
- Password : String[15];
- MoveArea : Word;
- Age,
- ConvertExt : Byte;
- Group : Word;
- Attrib2 : Byte;
- { Bit 0 : Include in all groups }
- DefCost,
- UploadArea,
- UploadSecurity : Word;
- UploadFlags,
- UploadNotFlags : FlagType;
- Security : Word;
- Flags,
- NotFlags : FlagType;
- ListSecurity : Word;
- ListFlags,
- ListNotFlags : FlagType;
- AltGroup : Array[1..3] of Word;
- Device : Byte;
- FreeSpace : Array[1..13] of Byte;
- end;
- CONFrecord = record
- Name,
- Parent : String[8];
- Desc : String[70];
- Attr : Byte;
- { Bit 0 : Private
- 1 : Unlisted
- 2 : Global
- 3 : Permanent
- 4 : Use handles
- }
- Moderator : String[35];
- Language : String[20];
- Password : String[15];
- Security : Word;
- Flags : FlagType;
- NumNodes : Byte;
- Active : Array[1..250] of Byte;
- Child : Array[1..250] of Boolean;
- NotFlagsMask : FlagType;
- FreeSpace : Array[1..96] of Byte;
- end;
- MODEMrecord = record
- ComPort,
- InitTries : Byte;
- BufferSize,
- ModemDelay : Word;
- MaxSpeed : LongInt;
- SendBreak,
- LockModem,
- AnswerPhone,
- OffHook : Boolean;
- InitStr,
- InitStr2,
- BusyStr : String[70];
- InitResp,
- BusyResp,
- Connect300,
- Connect1200,
- Connect2400,
- Connect4800,
- Connect7200,
- Connect9600,
- Connect12k,
- Connect14k,
- Connect16k,
- Connect19k,
- Connect38k,
- ConnectFax : String[40];
- RingStr,
- AnswerStr : String[20];
- ErrorFreeString : String[15];
- Connect21k,
- Connect24k,
- Connect26k,
- Connect28k,
- Connect57k,
- Connect64k : String[40];
- Connect31k,
- Connect33k : String[40];
- FreeSpace : Array[1..100] of Byte;
- end;
- ARCrecord = record
- Extension : String[3];
- UnpackCmd,
- PackCmd : String[60];
- end;
- CONFIGrecord = record
- VersionID : Word;
- xCommPort : Byte;
- xBaud : LongInt;
- xInitTries : Byte;
- xInitStr,
- xBusyStr : String[70];
- xInitResp,
- xBusyResp,
- xConnect300,
- xConnect1200,
- xConnect2400,
- xConnect4800,
- xConnect9600,
- xConnect19k,
- xConnect38k : String[40];
- xAnswerPhone : Boolean;
- xRing,
- xAnswerStr : String[20];
- xFlushBuffer : Boolean;
- xModemDelay : Integer;
- MinimumBaud,
- GraphicsBaud,
- TransferBaud : word;
- SlowBaudTimeStart,
- SlowBaudTimeEnd,
- DownloadTimeStart,
- DownloadTimeEnd : Time;
- PageStart : Array[0..6] of Time;
- PageEnd : Array[0..6] of Time;
- SeriNum,
- CustNum : String[22];
- {} FreeSpace1 : Array[1..24] of Byte;
- PwdExpiry : Word;
- MenuPath,
- TextPath,
- AttachPath,
- NodelistPath,
- MsgBasePath,
- SysPath,
- ExternalEdCmd : String[60];
- Address : Array[0..9] of NetAddress;
- SystemName : String[30];
- NewSecurity : Word;
- NewCredit : Word;
- NewFlags : FlagType;
- OriginLine : String[60];
- QuoteString : String[15];
- Sysop : String[35];
- LogFileName : String[60];
- FastLogon,
- AllowSysRem,
- MonoMode,
- StrictPwdChecking,
- DirectWrite,
- SnowCheck : Boolean;
- CreditFactor : Integer;
- UserTimeOut,
- LogonTime,
- PasswordTries,
- MaxPage,
- PageLength : Word;
- CheckForMultiLogon,
- ExcludeSysopFromList,
- OneWordNames : Boolean;
- CheckMail : AskType;
- AskVoicePhone,
- AskDataPhone,
- DoFullMailCheck,
- AllowFileShells,
- FixUploadDates,
- FreezeChat : Boolean;
- ANSI, { ANSI: Yes, no, or ask new users }
- ClearScreen, { Clear: " }
- MorePrompt : AskType; { More: " }
- UploadMsgs : Boolean;
- KillSent : AskType; { Kill/Sent " }
- CrashAskSec : Word; { Min sec# to ask 'Crash Mail ?' }
- CrashAskFlags : FlagType;
- CrashSec : Word; { Min sec# to always send crash mail. }
- CrashFlags : FlagType;
- FAttachSec : Word; { " ask 'File Attach ?' }
- FAttachFlags : FlagType;
- NormFore,
- NormBack,
- StatFore,
- StatBack,
- HiBack,
- HiFore,
- WindFore,
- WindBack,
- ExitLocal,
- Exit300,
- Exit1200,
- Exit2400,
- Exit4800,
- Exit9600,
- Exit19k,
- Exit38k : Byte;
- MultiLine : Boolean;
- MinPwdLen : Byte;
- MinUpSpace : Word;
- HotKeys : AskType;
- BorderFore,
- BorderBack,
- BarFore,
- BarBack,
- LogStyle,
- MultiTasker,
- PwdBoard : Byte;
- xBufferSize : Word;
- FKeys : Array[1..10] of String[60];
- WhyPage : Boolean;
- LeaveMsg : Byte;
- ShowMissingFiles,
- xLockModem : Boolean;
- {} FreeSpace2 : Array[1..10] of Byte;
- AllowNetmailReplies : Boolean;
- LogonPrompt : String[40];
- CheckNewFiles : AskType;
- ReplyHeader : String[60];
- BlankSecs : byte;
- ProtocolAttrib : Array[1..6] of Byte;
- xErrorFreeString : String[15];
- xDefaultCombined : array[1..25] of Byte;
- RenumThreshold : Word;
- LeftBracket,
- RightBracket : Char;
- AskForHandle : Boolean;
- AskForBirthDate : Boolean;
- GroupMailSec : Word;
- ConfirmMsgDeletes : Boolean;
- FreeSpace4 : Array[1..30] of byte;
- TempScanDir : String[60];
- ScanNow : AskType;
- xUnknownArcAction,
- xFailedUnpackAction,
- FailedScanAction : Byte; {Bit 0:Mark deleted, 1:Mark unlisted, 2:Mark notavail}
- xUnknownArcArea,
- xFailedUnpackArea,
- FailedScanArea : Word;
- ScanCmd : String[60];
- xDeductIfUnknown : Boolean;
- NewUserGroup : Byte;
- AVATAR : AskType;
- BadPwdArea : Byte;
- Location : String[40];
- DoAfterAction : Byte; {0 = wait for CR, > 0 = wait for x seconds}
- {} OldFileLine : String[40];
- CRfore,
- CRback : Byte;
- LangHdr : String[40];
- xSendBreak : Boolean;
- {} ListPath : String[60];
- FullMsgView : AskType;
- EMSI_Enable : AskType;
- EMSI_NewUser : Boolean;
- EchoChar : String[1];
- xConnect7200,
- xConnect12000,
- xConnect14400 : String[40];
- Exit7200,
- Exit12000,
- Exit14400 : Byte;
- ChatCommand : String[60];
- ExtEd : AskType;
- NewuserLanguage : Byte;
- LanguagePrompt : String[40];
- VideoMode : VideoType;
- AutoDetectANSI : Boolean;
- xOffHook : Boolean;
- NewUserDateFormat : Byte;
- KeyboardPwd : String[15];
- CapLocation : Boolean;
- NewuserSub : Byte;
- PrinterName : String[4];
- HilitePromptFore,
- HiLitePromptBack : Byte;
- xInitStr2 : String[70];
- AltJSwap : Boolean;
- SemPath : String[60];
- AutoChatCapture : Boolean;
- FileBasePath : String[60];
- NewFileTag : Boolean;
- IgnoreDupeExt : Boolean;
- TempCDFilePath : String[60];
- TagFore,
- TagBack : Byte;
- xConnect16k : String[40];
- Exit16k,
- FilePayback : Byte;
- FileLine,
- FileMissingLine : String[200];
- NewUserULCredit : Byte;
- NewUserULCreditK : Word;
- ArcInfo : Array[1..10] of ARCrecord;
- RAMGRAltFKeys : Array[1..5] of String[60];
- ArcViewCmd : String[60];
- xConnectFax : String[40];
- ExitFax : Byte;
- UseXMS,
- UseEMS : Boolean;
- CheckDOB : Byte;
- EchoCheck : AskType;
- ccSec,
- ReturnRecSec : Word;
- HonourNetReq : Boolean;
- DefaultCombined : COMBINEDrecord;
- AskForSex,
- AskForAddress : Boolean;
- DLdesc : AskType;
- NewPhoneScan : Boolean;
- Exit21k,
- Exit24k,
- Exit26k,
- Exit28k,
- Exit57k,
- Exit64k : Byte;
- TagLogoffWarning,
- LimitLocal,
- SavePasswords : Boolean;
- BlankLogins : Byte;
- ripiconpath : string[60];
- Exit31k,
- Exit33k : Byte;
- IncludeNewCDareas : Boolean;
- FutureExpansion : Array[1..513] of Byte;
- end;
- EXITINFOrecord = record
- Baud : Word;
- SysInfo : SYSINFOrecord;
- TimeLogInfo : TIMELOGrecord;
- UserInfo : USERSrecord;
- EventInfo : EVENTrecord;
- NetMailEntered,
- EchoMailEntered : Boolean;
- LoginTime : Time;
- LoginDate : Date;
- TimeLimit : Word;
- LoginSec : LongInt;
- UserRecord : Integer;
- ReadThru,
- NumberPages,
- DownloadLimit : Word;
- TimeOfCreation : Time;
- LogonPasswordCRC : LongInt;
- WantChat : Boolean;
- DeductedTime : Integer;
- MenuStack : Array[1..50] of String[8];
- MenuStackPointer : Byte;
- UserXIinfo : USERSXIrecord;
- ErrorFreeConnect,
- SysopNext : Boolean;
- EMSI_Session : Boolean; { These fields hold }
- EMSI_Crtdef, { data related to an }
- EMSI_Protocols, { EMSI session }
- EMSI_Capabilities,
- EMSI_Requests,
- EMSI_Software : String[40];
- Hold_Attr1,
- Hold_Attr2,
- Hold_Len : Byte;
- PageReason : String[80];
- StatusLine : Byte;
- LastCostMenu : String[8];
- MenuCostPerMin : Word;
- DoesAVT,
- RIPmode : Boolean;
- RIPVersion : Byte;
- ExtraSpace : Array[1..85] of Byte;
- end;
- PROTOCOLrecord = record
- Name : String[15];
- ActiveKey : Char;
- OpusTypeCtlFile,
- BatchAvailable : Boolean;
- Attribute : Byte; { 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled }
- LogFileName,
- CtlFileName,
- DnCmdString,
- DnCtlString,
- UpCmdString,
- UpCtlString : String[80];
- UpLogKeyword,
- DnLogKeyword : String[20];
- XferDescWordNum,
- XferNameWordNum : Byte;
- end;